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Step one: Pick your products judiciously. A well-designed bath is an organized bath. Countertops littered with makeup, toothpaste, grooming materials, hairdryers and curling irons make the bathroom looked unorganized, cluttered and frenetic. One of the first things we suggest to our clients in Jenkintown, PA is to inventory the products that they use most often in the bath. This exercise helps us design a space that can accommodate their needs without compromising the look, feel and functionality of the space. Closed storage is almost always the preferred option, but in space challenged baths, we also use open shelving systems that enable our clients to display their favorite or most frequently used items.
Vanity manufacturers understand the need for creative storage solutions, and they are not disappointing showrooms or their clients. There is an abundance of organization tools that enable you to compartmentalize storage within drawers and cabinet space. We often recommend our clients designate specific storage areas for toiletries and grooming tools. Larger baskets serve as an excellent place for hairdryers and curling irons, while smaller trays are perfect for makeup and beauty products.
Building niches into walls in the bath, shower and tub area create additional opportunities for innovative storage solutions. Niches provide functional storage space, and they represent another opportunity to display items with high visual appeal and/or those products that are most often used.
We like to have our clients in Montgomery County, PA think outside of the box. Why settle for plain old towel bars when a towel warmer provides a wow moment after each shower or bath when you can wrap yourself in a warm, toasty towel?
If you would like more creative solutions to maximize the functionality, look, feel and experience of your new bath, give us a call at 215-657-6110 or visit our showroom at 2124 Moreland Road, Abington.
Mark IV Kitchen & Bath is grateful for the decades of success we have seen. However, our kitchen and bath remodeling company didn’t become a success overnight; years of studying the industry and practicing our craft went into the creation of Mark IV.
Address: 2124 Moreland Road, Abington, PA 19001
Phone: (215) 657-6110